Posting a .pdf or .doc with Pictures

If a .doc, open in Word, save as .pdf.

Open each page in Gimp, autocrop (under “Image”), and save (under “File”) as jpg.

Open Filezilla, navigate to, password = y9cse[@pUNA]

Load images to /images/ folder, if you want to use the WYSIWYG to enter the file location (URL), load to /sites/default/files/images/.

Open edit/create page page

Put cursor where you want the first pic, click on WYSIWYG image insert button (top row, leftmost of right grouping), enter “URL” /images/pic_of_pdf.jpg.

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Click green “OK” button at bottom.

Hit enter to go to next line.

Repeat for each page of the pdf:

Click on WYSIWYG image insert button, enter “URL”, click green “OK” button at bottom.

Click “Save” button at bottom of page.

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