KISS Navigation

It’s possible we simply cannot do what you want without breaking the site.

We have at least 88 spaces to work with, let’s just find a way to get it down to that.

The shortest version of the below recommendation is only 73 spaces.

I Recommend This:
About US
Who We Are (move half of About here, including CWC @
Business(?) Loans
Tools (or) Resources
Please Help
CWC (Add “Volunteer or Buy”, or some clarification at top @ this should have two or three child pages
Contact (Move Directions & Employment here)

This would be a lot more clear and easy to navigate.

KISS is really for both the user and the admin, as well as the engineer.

Shortest Vers., 53 spaces, with at least 35 to spare:
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About US

Who We Are







So, let’s start with this, and add up to 35 back.


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